I am delighted to share with you this little sweethearts older newborn photoshoot.
Most in home newborn photoshoots that I do are with babies 2 weeks old or younger. Babies this age are still very tiny and sleepy. After 2 weeks babies become much more aware of the world around them and you start to enjoy longer periods of them awake and uncurled. During an older newborn session you will likely capture much more interaction between baby and parents, lovely wide open eye contact and if you’re lucky, some of those beautiful first smiles.
So often photographers will emphasise how newborn sessions need to be done in those first 2 weeks. This is the case if you are looking for a much more posed session with babies head carefully positioned on their hands etc but there is much more flexibility when booking a lifestyle Lifestyle newborn session. These sessions are much more relaxed and focused on capturing real life moments with minimal posing.
So this is your reminder not to worry if you didn’t pre-book a newborn photoshoot, your labour didn’t allow for it or let’s face it, you just didn’t feel like it in those first 2 weeks, I got you! Just look at this beautiful gallery of baby Jocelyn and her family at 8 weeks old.

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